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Helping the Youth of Uganda and East Africa Create a Better Life in Christ Jesus.

Africa Life Youth Foundation is dedicated to training up the next generation of leaders. Equipping other youth groups and leaders around Uganda and East Africa with tools that will enable them to train youth in their areas. Africa Life Youth Foundation hosts large evangelistic events, making united stands for righteousness, seeing young people impacted with the Gospel and making decisions for Jesus Christ.
There are over 1.5 Billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 living in the world today. This represents the largest youth cohort in history, with roughly 89% of them residing in undeveloped countries. Young people make up well over half of the national population in many countries. It is a large group — and it’s growing!
Despite their sizable presence, young people are a surprisingly under-served and under-engaged demographic. Young people increasingly face challenges that are universal: few opportunities to contribute to their community’s development, rising rate of unemployment, difficulty in accessing education, mounting health concerns such as AIDS and unsafe water, the degradation of their environments and a lack of spiritual guidance (Mentors). In response to these challenges Africa Life Youth Foundation has focused on five key sectors that address these needs: Child sponsorship, Youth camps, Student outreach ministry, Church planting and Mobile Bible Training .