Who We Are

Africa Life youth Foundation is a non profit Christian organization established in 2004. For the purpose of developing, sponsoring and carrying out programs that will improve the quality of life for the youth of Uganda and East Africa. By instilling a good foundation of Godly principles, developing character through life changing challenges and commitments. While developing the leaders of tomorrow. Showing young people that Life with Jesus Christ is good and fulfilling.

Our Purpose

The youth of Uganda and East Africa face extraordinary challenges. Africa Life Youth Foundation exist to help them face and overcome their challenges as well as realizing their full potential. Establishing themselves as responsible individuals in their homes, community and nation. We provide genuine support, offering hope and a bright future to those who are in seemingly overwhelming circumstances. It is our hope that the youth to whom we serve will develop into the leaders of tomorrow. Becoming mentors to future generations to come and have Father’s heart.

What We Do

Africa Life Youth Foundation focuses on 4 key areas:
Student outreach Ministry
Church Planting
Child Sponsorship
Mobile Bible Training

Mission Statement

Dedicated to Empowering young people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Giving them dignity, freedom, peace and hope through Biblical principles.